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Our Trust of Schools


It is our duty to ensure the Welfare and Safety of all our Students and Staff

All young people have the right to feel safe. If you are concerned about yourself or anyone you know, support is available.  Please contact a member of our safeguarding team. See below for contact information.

Honiton Community College Safeguarding Team

We take the wellbeing of our students very seriously and our safeguarding team are here to help. You can contact us by phone on 01404 42283 or via email

You can also report an issue using our online reporting form:   


Mrs C Rose
Designated Safeguarding

Mrs C Brothwood
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs N Hunt
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs E Meek
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs J Rance
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Child Protection Statement

At Honiton Community College, we have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of students. We aim to create and maintain a safe learning environment for children and young people. We will identify where there are welfare concerns and take action to address them in partnership with other organisations, where appropriate.  The School’s responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children is of paramount importance.

Please read our Safeguarding Policy for more information (Link to Policy) and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 (link)

Child Protection and safeguarding procedures apply to all staff, volunteers and governors and any adult visiting the school site.


If you are concerned about the safety of a child or young person in Devon or want to speak to someone, or if you are a young person worried about your own safety, you can contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) by:

The importance of the Prevent strategy

Prevent relates to the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 which came into force on 1 July 2015.  Since 1 July 2015 there has been a duty on schools to have ‘due regard to the need to Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is called the Prevent duty.  At Honiton Community College all our staff complete Prevent training and understand the importance of the Prevent strategy.  All our staff understand the duty they have to ensure British values are embedded into our curriculum and pastoral care to support healthy discussion and debate and to promote tolerance.

All our staff understand that any concerns regarding potential radicalisation and/or extremism should be treated as a safeguarding issue and reported to our safeguarding team. Our safeguarding team understand the South West Prevent Strategy and how to make a referral.


County Lines refers to illegal drugs being transported from one area to another, often across police and local authority boundaries (although not exclusively), usually by children or vulnerable people who are coerced by gangs. The ‘County Line’ is the mobile phone line used to take the orders of drugs. Importing areas are reporting increasing levels of violence and weapons-related crimes as a result of this trend. Visit CEOP Online for more information.


Operation Encompass is a unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse. Operation Encompass mitigates against the damaged caused by exposure to Domestic Abuse and other ACE’s For more information visit Operation Encompass

Additional Resources and External Organisations

Below we have provided some additional resources and links to external bodies who can provide further support. In addition, should you wish to talk to the police for non-emergencies, you can always call 101 for advice. Click on each of the icons below to be taken to their website to learn more.


In the 21st Century, children have access to an incredible range of ICT tools. The Internet has had a massive impact on the information available to students. Honiton Community College aims to ensure all our students are familiar with the use of these tools and are aware of the dangers of communicating with people they don’t know.

Addressing internet safety

We ask parents/guardians to be aware of how their children are using the internet. Discuss with them the potential dangers of ‘chatting’ to people they don’t know and to remind students of their electronic footprint.

Help and support available

At Honiton Community College we address internet safety in the following ways; As part of the college annual ICT Acceptance Use Policy, An ICT unit of
E-Safety and during Life Skills lessons.

Useful Links for Online Safety

Some additional resources to help with keeping safe online